Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hokusai's Last Stand

Ilk has returned from the dead and the party is back on track.

On the way to Three Corners the party is approached one night by a quartet of Gnomes. They inform the group that Three Corners has been overrun by a tribe of Ogres. They ask the party for help.

After some discussion, the party agrees to help. After all, it is the right thing to do and there is a letter from the “other” Lorekeeper in the Public Hall in Three Corners. And the party needs that letter for its mission.

The party entered the underground city of Three Corners and was overrun by Ogres. Hokusai fell early on but was brought back by one of the clerics. Close to death he backed away. But when he noticed another wave coming at the group from the rear, towards Aeolric, Hokusai went to do whatever he could. Hokusai decided that if he fought defensively he could avoid the Ogres’ blows and draw their attention while the rest of the party shot at the ogres from a safe distance.

This technique seemed to work till another wave arrived – this time with a clearly leader type followed by two other Ogres. Hokusai again went to face the leader – he felt confident his strategy would work since his skills had been boosted by spells cast by the clerics.

However the Ogre leader was more than Hokusai could handle and he hit Hokusai with two hard blows. Suddenly Hokusai felt a floating sensation and it seemed like he was looking down on the battle. He did not feel dead and then he saw a great, tied, hand reaching out towards him. Thank you Ilmater for allowing me to serve you.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Service Interlude

After Ilk fell the party decided to return to Oskerlyn and the Lorekeeper Temple. The journey back to Oskerlyn is uneventful and when they get there they meet with the head Lorekeeper.

He agrees that the Guild will help and take care of Ilk’s body. He asks the party to return in two days with $1000 in gold to defray expenses. Hokusai has nothing to offer to help cover the cost and turns his attention instead to what service he can perform to do some “good”.

AEolric suggest helping out at a local Lorekeeper Orphanage, “Even if they don't have any work, just to play with the children and ease their suffering for a day”. Hokusai agrees this is a good idea but he can't help but wonder if AEolric is just trying to keep Hokusai out of trouble. AEolric gives him 10 gp to donate while he is there. Aeolric asks that his gift remain anonymous. Aeolric mentions that he would like to help Hokusai in this, “but he'd probably end up teaching the children their 'letters' or something boring. While that's important, he'd like to ease their suffering for a day and not add to it."Hokusai is happy to help out in the orphanage (knowing the Lorekeeper Guild's good work in this area he assumed they must have an operation of this type in such a big city like Oskrelyn - so this was his first thought for possible activities as well). Hokusai asks the others to join him and some of them take him up on the offer and spend some of their time over the next two days helping out in any way they can.

Hokusai, however, spends the whole two days at the orphanage. Hokusai decides to end his penance before he goes to help the children in the orphanage. He does not want to scare them or make them uncomfortable in any way. He will pack the straps with the other party possessions just in case he feels a need to continue the penance at a later date.

Hokusai starts by doing the "necessary" jobs: cleaning chamber pots, cleaning children (including changing diapers many that seem to be a couple of days old), general cleaning of rooms. No matter what the task he is doing at the time he always has a smile on his face. When Hokusai is in view of children he often tried to do something silly to make them smile. Balancing a chamber pot on his head or tumbling across the floor.

It is a joyous two days filled with laughter, service and friendship. Many children enjoyed watching Hoikusai perform his martial arts practices that included high kicks, tumbling and meditation doing his Sumie paintings. He is not a great painter, but he was good enough to impress the small children and some of the older ones joined in and created their own works.After doing some good for others Hokusai returned to the Lorekeepers, looking forward to seeing his friend Ilk alive and well. He wonders if that is even possible. But even if it is not he looks forward to getting back on track with the “mission”.When Hokusai sees Aeolric he will be noticeably pleased with him. He had a great suggestion about doing service at the orphanage and has been helping Hokusai find a place in the group lately starting when AEolric asked Hokusai to pack the horses a few days ago (a task he will happily do again before the party sets out to leave this time).

Perhaps these Lorekeepers do "good" after all, maybe not directly - but through others. Hokusai will need to meditate on that.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Session 1-4 Notes

Session One - Lorekeeper Expedition - 10/22/2005

5th Age, 500th Year, Season of Seroren, 60th Day

The group is formed in the city of Thyrc under the leadership of AEolric, the official guild representative. Members of group includes Ilk (Human Scout), Astria (Elven Cleric), Jade (Elven Cleric), Magnus (Human Cleric of Ilmater), and myself - Hokusai (Human Monk of Ilmater)

Hokusai's orders from the guild are simple. Protect the Lorekeeper representative and follow his orders when appropriate. When in doubt seek the advice of Mangus and follow his lead.

Hokusai knows that the "Lorekeepers seek to avoid confrontation with other powers." And this concerns him because it limits their ability to do good.

The party will be traveling by boat to Oskarlin where they will receive details for their expedition. The ship will be stopping at Black Rock Prison to drop off some supplies.

The big news of the day is that the Centura destroyed House Hilford's Manor in Thyrc.

AEolric is always writing and he has a raven for a pet, sometimes you see it, sometimes you don't.

Fog in the morning, 40-70 degrees

The captain of the ship drinks too much. The first night of travel the ship is attacked by a Sea Monster.

AEolric learned of another Lorekeeper that went up to the Prison at Black Rock. He asks if Hokusai thinks they should go to the Prison to discover what the other Lorekeeper was investigating. Hokusai tells him that would not be wise. AEolric decides we will go anyway.

Moonfall is in 3 days. The party will stay on Black Rock for 2 days.

There has been a prison here for 500 years. Mining Guild runs the prison. Anyone can send the "guilty" here. The party sees a prison guard throws a prisoner off of a cliff after a failed escape attempt. Everyone knows the consequences for trying to escape. Hokusai is very concerned about this place. He even discovers that there seems to be a list of prisoners who should not be killed.

The other Lorekeeper had questioned, and it seems killed doing so, prisoners about something. The other group went deep into the prison mines so AEolric orders us to do the same the next morning. Two members of the other group did not leave the island of Black Rock.

In the depths we are attacked by a creature. After killing the creature the group discovers it's food supply: 2 guards with different symbols on straps, 3 prisoners two with numbers 42176, 38742. All are dead.

Magnus put himself in jeopardy by attacking the creature in melee combat. Hokusai asks him to be more careful. He must not be harmed.

Hokusai is the only member of the party who was injured in the fight – praise be to Ilmater.

Session 2 (11/12/05)

Ilmater must be pleased with Hokusai because after the battle, with the monster in the caverns below the Prison, Hokusai’s abilities seem to have increased.

Magnus and the Lorekeeper seems distracted. Magnus no doubt is concerned with the loss of his connection to Ilmater and the Lorekeeper is busy writing in his book.

After Magnus says a few words for the dead the party continues.

Ilk takes the lead. Hokusai gives him 10' and follows behind, the rest follow at safe distance behind Hokusai.

Ilk seems to be a man ready to fight - Hokusai fears at times that Ilk is looking for a fight.

The party is attacked by more creatures. Hokusai gets close to them because of his fighting style, others are using ranged weapons. There is something about these creatures that concerns him. They seem insect or spider like BUT they also have hair. Is there some kind of human connection here?

These are savage creatures and the party fights for their own survival. Magnus and Hokusai must survive to get word about this place back to the church.

Magnus and the Lorekeeper have kept a safe distance during an encounter with several creatures but they are later attacked by a second wave that came in from behind them. Hokusai leaves the battle in the front, taking damage as he moves away, to protect Magnus and the Lorekeeper but he arrives too late and both Magnus and the Lorekeeper are injured. Praise be to Ilmater that they will survive.

Once the party has defeated the creatures they set out to return to the surface.

However the Lorekeeper has instructed Ilk to keep his eyes open and Ilk indeed finds a fissure leading to a cavern. The cavern glows with a moss growing on the stalactites. At the back of the cavern is a Door of some kind. There seems to be no way of opening it, this is good since Hokusai had no interest in opening it. Hokusai did do a painting to show the Lorekeeper since he was in no condition to crawl through the fissure to get to the cavern.

The party exits the caverns. Magnus, the Lorekeeper, and Hokusai go to, and stay in, the infirmary. The wounded are given some kind of elixir there that cures some of our wounds. The others spend some time with the Captain in charge of this place.

Hokusai spends some time in meditation. When Hokusai meditates it is common for him to paint some Sumi-e pictures. These are paintings that keep the spirit of his subjects but do not strive to be realistic representations. They feel right but when compared to the actual subject look wrong. Part of the paintings would be words and symbols that help increase the understanding of the subject.

Hokusai has done the following paintings that will be turned over to the Lorekeeper: The Creature, Map of passages, Door in the cavern. Hokusai never keeps the paintings he does - he instead turns them over to someone else who might enjoy them. In this case the Lorekeeper - often they are given to poor children.

The party spends the night in the prison infirmary and in the morning return to the ship.

On the ship the party is questioned about some type of mineral that they mine at the prison. The ship’s captain confiscated a bag of silver that Ilk had. Ilk said was some minerals that he mined below the prison. Hokusai could tell the captain had his doubts about this. No matter, the Captain had no right to claim any Ilk’s possessions. Hokusai is not sure he likes this captain.

The captain’s actions here later influenced Hokusai’s decision to escape this ship rather then stand and fight to the death with the crew. Hokusai’s mission is not here - and he must do everything he can to get to where he need to be.

Two days out another vessel attacks. Hokusai does not understand why the Captain of the ship did not try to negotiate with the captain of the Maritime Guild vessel that ultimately would be the victor here. The party escapes in the longboat with 3 members of the crew on board - including the ships lieutenant.

The party makes it to land about five days walk from their destination. Hokusai hopes they are now back on track for the intended mission.

Praise be to Ilmater.

Session 3 – Hokusai does not remember much from this session. If it di exist at all.

Session 4

Days pass and Hokusai has lost all track of time and direction.

Hokusai is bound to the service of the Lorekeeper Guild. Hokusai has always suspected that the Lorekeepers is an organization that serves as a front for spell casters who did not want to work in government or religious organizations. He has often questioned the so called “good” they do. This suspicion was initially solidified when Hokusai first met the “Lorekeeper Representative”. He had the look of an arcane spell caster with a book in his hand and animal familiar on his shoulder. But getting to know him Hokusai was now not so sure. AEolric uses the book to write and read information not spells and he seems to share no special connection with his pet raven. Certainly none that would help the group, like using a bird’s eye vantage point to help the party go in the right direction. And if he has any spell casting powers he has not used them to help the party in any way that Hokusai can remember. Still he has his surprises, in a recent fight against some stone trolls he proved more capable than he was back in the prison and on the ship. Were some of his abilities hampered in the prison like the clerics in the party?

Hokusai's other companions are…

Magnus. The good cleric of Ilmater.

Ilk. A capable fighter (Scout) and his skills both in battle and wilderness survival have kept the party going.

Jade. One of the two Clerics with elven blood. I am not sure why she has joined this expedition.

Astria. The second elven cleric is really an archer who has the ability to cast healing spells.

Hokusai wonders why these two Elven Clerics have joined this expedition. Is there something that the Elves as a race are concerned with? Hokusai suspects the Lorekeepers have an agenda that he does not know about, do the Elves have one as well? Hokusai knows the Church of Ilmater must have their own reasons for involving Magnus and Hokusai in this expedition.

Since the party came ashore they have tried to go through the mountains to reach a city. The Lorekeeper kept pulling out maps spouting the names of cities in every direction till Hokusai's mind went numb. No matter, his responsibility is to his church and now it seems to this Lorekeeper. Where they go is not his concern. But Hokusai needs to find a way to do something good with his life.

Since their sense of direction on land failed them, the party looks back to the water. A sail is fashioned for the boat. AEolric, the Lorekeeper representative, suddenly knew the location of a tusker that the party could use for food. After killing the tusker the party was attacked by a group of stone trolls. Ilk and Hokusai almost met Ilmater’s embrace but the Elven clerics kept them among the living.

Praise be to Ilmater.

In the lair of the stone trolls Ilk found a vast treasure. Hokusai secured a share to give to the poor – 10 gp, 8 sp, and a 250 gp gem.

The party is now in a small village. Since the order of Ilmater has no church here, and they will be here for a couple of days, Hokusai decided to approach the Church of Selune to see if they could find him some work worth doing. The Selunites welcomed Hokusai and invited him on a mission to help the poor in a neighboring community. Hokusai gave them a 10 gp donation for their work and accept their offer to let him stay in a small room at the temple. If, after experiencing their good deeds first hand, Hokusai discovers their work is deserving he will offer the Church of Selune the 250 gp gem so that they can continue their good work. Otherwise Hokusai will hold on to the gem till a suitable, deserving group can be found.

Hokusai hopes his connection with the Lorekeeper brings more funds for the poor. The Lorekeepers have stated that he must be forfeit all claims to just about all possessions or he does not fulfill the term of my contract. Not a problem since Hokusai claims no possession for himself but the others in the party should have cause for concern.

Magnus has stayed with Hokusai – the others went to spend, and pamper themselves. Hokusai looks forward to a break from the Lorekeeper, even if is just for a single day, to do some good.

Magnus and Hokusai will need to work on what information they want to send to the church regarding the conditions at the prison. Their plan that messages would be carried by sailors on the ship clearly is not going to happen now.

Another Evil & Magic Rant

I have learned Hokusai should think magic is OK. And the complete fear I thought my PC would have was misplaced. However this same understanding about magic is OK for some and not others, and that this idea is thought to be common sense, has also strengthened my/his belief that most of the organizations on Selune are “Lawful Evil”. Here is the start of the description for Lawful Evil:

Lawful Evil “takes what he wants within the limits of his code of conduct without regard for whom it hurts. He cares about tradition, loyalty, and order but not about freedom, dignity, or life. He plays by the rules but without mercy or compassion. He is comfortable in a hierarchy and would like to rule, but is willing to serve. He condemns others not according to their actions but according to race, religion, homeland, or social rank.”

Condemning people because of social rank is a big part of what seems to be going on in Selune. If you are part of the tradition that keeps those social ranks in line, if you follow rules and orders over freedom and compassion you are “Lawful Evil”, Lawful Neutral at best. There is nothing wrong with being Lawful Evil in the game. But Alignment does affect all kinds of modifiers and abilities so understanding these differences are key to game play.

When you think Lawful Good you think King Arthur who sat at a round table removing the social hierarchy. He would not look at his subjects as commoners but would consider himself one of them. He would place no greater value on his life, and his freedoms, as he would on those of any other person.

Hokusai is lawful good. He thinks ALL humans should have the same rights and freedoms. He believes laws should be there to protect those freedoms – not limit them for different social classes.

As soon as a PC/NPC acts without mercy or compassion towards another human he has committed an evil act – even if he is following orders.

BACK to the magic conversation. Hokusai knows three of the PCs can cast spells. He would help examine ways the spellcasters could help him protect the group. You do not need to know spells to come up with: Bless and Aid him in his service of good. Protect and Shield him for Evil and the weapons of Evil. Improve his Strength to fight Evil and his Wisdom so he will know the right thing to do.

Or in game terms the obvious suggestions are:

1st-Level Cleric Spells
Bless: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear. 1 min/level
Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law: +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. 1 min/level
Shield of Faith: Aura grants +2 or higher deflection bonus. 1 min/level

2nd-Level Cleric Spells
Aid: +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +10).
Bull’s Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Owl’s Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.

HOWEVER Hokusai would make it clear that the spellcasters should protect themselves and others in the party before they try to help him in any way.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Session 6 Notes

I thought we were going to get through the last session without any controversy. Then SQUASH, nothing brings out the strong feelings like PC death. I was prepared to deal with Hokusai leaving party, either by death or because Aeolric gets rid of him. But not ILK. Why, Why, Why did it have to be Ilk?

Session 6

The party continues to Oskerlin. Hokusai can tell the others are a little concerned with his behavior. And when the party passes another column of Centura with a group of prisoners all eyes turn to Hokusai. But Hokusai does not have a problem with every group of Centura. He does wonder who the prisoners are but it would be wrong to interfere with their duty without personal knowledge of the situation.

Some of the others ask Hokusai about his penance. Since he did not eat a few meals some thought that hunger was part of his penance. He tells them that he will eat, he cannot allow the chance that his service would be hampered by malnutrition. But his Vow of Poverty does not allow him to carry more then a days rations. If he is to survive a long journey like this he must trust that Ilmater will provide for him. He is pleased later when the Cleric Astria will announce that Ilmater will work through her. She even purchases some clothing for Hokusai to replace that which has been ruined in battle. She is truly a wondrous being to serve both an Elven God and Ilmater as well.

Hokusai will tell the party that his penance will last six days or more. It is hard to know what circumstances could determine when a penance will end. And in this case, his penance is simple - to be bound as Kira is for at least the length of time it will take the Centura to bring Kira to Thyric. If Hokusai did not trust that the Centura would feed Kira and her family, he might have included starvation as part of his penance. But he knows the Centura are not monsters and is willing to believe that Kira and her family are being well cared for.

Another topic of conversation is the idea of who is a commoner and who is not. Hokusai will say he is a commoner. Magnus wonders how that can be the case – his abilities clearly are not common. This thought makes Hokusai smile. Another difference between Magnus and Hokusai is even though they both may come from humble origins, they are very different, Hokusai does not believe that there is anything special about him. Anyone of any race, class, ability could do what Hokusai can do. Any gift he has comes from personal sacrifice/dedication. The idea that he is as “common” as someone who can talk to god makes him smile.

Training as a monk does not change a commoner to be a member of the upper class the same way a quality education and devout religious training can (as it may have done with Aeolric and Magnus). In fact training as a monk either removes class standings all together or would make a royal common.

In Oskerlin, the party goes first to the Lorekeeper Guild where they are offered a place to stay for the night and Aeolric will learn more of their mission. The various members set out on different tasks as Aeolric is in conference.

Magnus and Hokusai go to report in at the local Temple of Ilmater. While Hokusai and Magnus are being questioned by a high priest, they are given a task to perform – cleaning the temple. Hokusai feels good doing service and getting a chance to find out more of his mission. They are given a box that has a bird in it. They are instructed that if they learn anything that is important to let the bird loose with a message.

The party returns to the Lorekeeper Guild to meet for dinner. The head of the guild tries to bring out story after story from the Party. Hokusai wonders if these Lorekeepers ever talk to each other and if they do, do they both write down the conversation? Well in this case, someone else writes down the conversation since this particular Lorekeeper has someone who stands in the background doing his writing for him. Some may be impressed by this, but Hokusai feels a stronger connection to the Lorekeeper scribe in the corner doing all the writing. Hokusai imagines the possibilities of such a service – pains in the joints, papercuts, blisters on the fingers… This scribes suffering brings him closer to the Broken God – praise be to Ilmater.

After dinner Aeolric fills the group in on their mission.

Artifacts with a possible connection to Ilmater, other Lorekeeper group missing, gnomes at Three Corners, The Drow and the Underdark.

Hokusai is pleased there seems to be something there to explain every member of the group’s participation. For Magnus and Hokusai, there is the artifact and the chance to stop evil, for Aeolric there is the other Lorekeeper group and the opportunity to write more in his book, for Jade and Astria there is the involvement of their dark cousins, and for Ilk there is… there is??? OK maybe there is nothing specifically for Ilk - that is not really a bad omen, is it?

After dinner, the party decides to go to the Hogs Den to gather some information. Hokusai is uneasy in this place. He has little patience for the waste of time and expense the activities at a place like this cause. At first he is concerned and stays close to Ilk as he gambles with some Half Orcs. His attention is turned elsewhere when Aeolric moves over to talk with some Half Drow. He gives Aeolric his space but stays close enough to jump in when needed. The Half Drow seem nice enough and one even offers to help us for a price.

The Half Orcs start a fight amongst themselves, as a group of Dwarves and Ilk take bets on the action. The Gnome bartender moves in and starts hitting one of the Half Orcs with a bottle. Hokusai decides to move over to protect the Gnome if needed.

“The town guard is coming” is a cry that can be heard and the tavern begins to empty. Hokusai looks over to Aeolric and sees he is on his way out, so Hokusai follows him. Once outside Hokusai realizes that Ilk is still inside. Hokusai goes to the doorway of the tavern so he can keep an eye on Ilk and still be close enough to Aeolric if needed.

After a good fight, the Half Orcs are all down and Ilk comes out saying he knows the way to Three Corners. He even has a map. Hokusai has always been impressed by Ilk’s survival skills and it seems he is also pretty good at gathering information. Aeolric could learn a thing or two from Ilk.

Magnus and I spend the night at the temple and the others head over to the Lorekeepers. It is decided to meet first thing in the morning to make plans. More shopping is done. Aeolric gets permission to have the Half Drow join us and Hokusai spends most of the day doing service at the temple.

Magnus and Hokusai decide to spend the next night at the Lorekeepers Guild to make it easier to get an early start. Their Half Drow guide will be waiting for them at dawn and they will be leaving immediately. Just before they are to turn in for the night, Aeolric gives Hokusai the task of loading the horses for their travels. FINALLY Aeolric has given Hokusai some good work to do. Hokusai was starting to wonder if the Lorekeeper had understood that Hokusai was there to perform service not to be pampered with dinner, fine clothes, and other material possessions.

After a short rest period, Hokusai goes down to inventory and pack the supplies. He divides the goods between the three horse packs so if one pack is lost the party would not lose all of any one item. He also packs the things that will not be needed till the party reaches the Underdark lower in the packs and puts things that will need to be used on a daily basis on top.

When the party wakens, they gather together and join Rarael, the Half Drow outside. Leaving the city, Hokusai feels truly blessed to finally have the real mission started. He spends some time trying to get to know Rarael as they travel and even asks Rarael to join Aeolric and Hokusai on their watch that night. All the times Aeolric and Hokusai have been on watch together, they have never spoken. But this night the three spend some time getting to know each other. It is interesting to note that it took a Half Drow to bring Hokusai and Aeolric onto common ground.

But their conversation is cut short as Rarael hears something in the darkness. He tells Hokusai to extinguish the fire and Rarael moves out into the darkness towards the trees. When he returns, he tells Hokusai that there are four of them coming this way. Aeolric has woken the others and they all prepare for battle.

Four ogres come at them from the trees. Rarael and Hokusai go forward to meet two of the ogres in hand to hand combat. Hokusai sees that Astria has already hit one on the far end with a perfect shot.

While Hokusai fights one of the ogres, he can hear the cries of battle around him. He hears a female scream and fears Jade or Astria may be lost. He notices that others are trying to help him but is too involved to look behind to see who it is. Hokusai hears another gasp and fears he has lost a second friend. Finally, he sees that Rarael is fighting by his side and it is not much longer before the ogre falls. Hokusai turns to see the last Ogre fall in the distance and notices that Ilk is on the ground in a pool of blood. He runs over to his fallen comrade to see if there is anything that could be done. But Ilk is dead – Hokusai feels a tremendous loss, and even though he fears magic, there must be something that could be done. Ilk’s death was too quick, surely Ilmater wanted him to have a long life of service and suffering before he met his end. Something must be done, but what?

In his calm, “caring” voice, Aeolric has the answer. “Search the bodies of the ogres – it is what Ilk would have done.” Aeolric is right - that is what Ilk would do. Hokusai helps search the bodies. He takes a single gold piece from one of the ogres and places it in Ilk’s hand and closes his dead fingers around it. Rest in peace my friend.

Praise be to Ilmater.

As we ended our last session, we all tried to quickly suggest what we would do. Emotionally, we all want Ilk back. Logically we know there are only a few ways this can be done, if at all, on Selune.

Reincarnation 1,000 gp
Raise Dead 5,000 gp
Resurrection 10,000 gp

Reincarnation is the only one I think the party can really afford. But finding a Druid is not an easy task – maybe Rarael or Aeolric will coincidently know where one is. The Cleric of Ilmater in Oskerlin should be able to Raise Dead but the Church of Ilmater is NOT a wealth one so the party would need to provide most of the material costs – something I do not believe we are prepared to do at this time.

All of the options have Ilk losing a level setting him back to 2nd level. This is a tough one and I hope Matt and Nate can work something out that they will both be happy with. I will try not to incite a riot this week by forcing my beliefs into the mix any more than I have already done.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Session 5 Notes

Here I am back with the story that started the whole debate. I hope you all forgive the pains I put you all through trying to figure things out. I think I got it now - if you think I am way off about something let me know.

Hokusai’s Revised Session Notes

Hokusai sits by the camp fire – head hanging low. It has been a REALLY bad day and you can tell it has taken its toll. He borrows Astria’s long sword and cuts the straps off his bag. Ilk is then asked to bind Hokusai’s hands together. Hokusai has decided he must do penance for his failure to protect Kira and her family. Hokusai’s hands are bound in a way that will make it impossible to do his "flurry of blows" but he will be able to make a single attack without penalty. He is determined to wear these bonds till he learns that Kira and her family are free or till Magnus and he can agree that it is time to move on.

In the morning he will leave the remains of his bag on the ground when the party leaves their campsite. He will tell Ilk that there are 25 gold pieces in the bag if he desires them. Hokusai was saving it to spend on the poor but he has seen first hand what doing that does. There is nothing else of value in the bag.

Flashback… A few days ago, Hokusai went on a mission to help the poor who live under the docks in Sarvik. There he befriended Kira and her two small children. He purchased some food, 2 fishing nets, a skillet, and a blanket for them. He felt good that he was finally getting to do something nice for someone. The Lorekeeper, and whatever the groups mission is to be, has so far not allowed a chance to do any real good.

When Kira asked if her family could join Hokusai and his party on their trip to Oskerlin, Hokusai thought it was a wonderful idea. In Oskerlin, the Temple of Ilmater would be able to help Kira have a better life.

But then things started to go bad. On the way to Oskerlin, the caravan that the party joined was attacked by 12 ogres. While Hokusai’s party took on three ogres, and barely defeating them without losing a member (If Ilk hand not stepped in, one more blow from the ogre Hokusai was fighting would have left him in Ilmater’s kind embrace), the fighters of the rest of the caravan defeated the other nine in record time. This knowledge that the fighting force with the caravan defeated 9 ogres in half the time that the party killed three ogres would be an important part of a decision Hokusai would later make. (AND later Hokusai would stand while these same fighters readied to kill him.)

During the ogre battle the caravan’s fighters witnessed a spell cast by Jade and the party was asked to leave the caravan. Hokusai can understand the caravan’s concerns – most magic can clearly lead to evil. But, in the Monastery Hokusai had been taught a view of tolerance toward magic cast by the upper class. He knows in his heart that using magic is wrong and against the law for people like him, but there are those of high station in life that are allowed to draw on the power of magic. If Hokusai is to travel with so many of these gifted beings he is going to need to fight his fear of them and their skills and try to trust that they are all working together for the greater good. All three of the clerics have contributed to Hokusai’s survival through their magic that has cured his wounds, so trusting that their actions are good is not very difficult. After all could evil beings cast so many good spells so effortlessly.

Hokusai thought that Kira and her family would be safer, and more comfortable, if they stayed with the caravan. After all, clearly the caravan guards did better in the battle with the ogres then Hokusai and his party did. And he knows as common people they too must fear the magic they have seen today. And they must be having the same basic reaction that Hokusai is fighting – to get as far away from the spellcasters as possible because using magic can only lead to disaster. History has taught us that all too well.

You can imagine Hokusai’s surprise when a group of Centura rode by, going in the wrong direction, with Kira in shackles and her two children being treated like prisoners as well. And they were without the two horses and wagon that Hokusai had purchased for them, and left them in with the caravan. Later Ilk would confess that Hokusai should have known better to think that Kira would have been safe with the caravan. Fresh out of the monastery, Hokusai is still coming to grips with just how short from his expectations some of the "good" people in the world are. This includes his view of the Centura, who he has always respected for their dedication to duty. But recently all he has heard about the Centura are their abilities as a destructive force. The Centura’s tradition of using violence and intimidation as there primary method of problem solving, has always concerned Hokusai. He fears that the Centura may become bullies who think "might makes right" and not the "might to protect right" code that Hokusai expects them to follow.

Hokusai went down to confront the Centura – there must have been some terrible mistake and Hokusai needed to try to set it right. But the Lieutenant leading the Centura would not listen to reason. He had his instructions and did not have the wisdom to see that what he was doing was wrong.

Clearly he should have been able to see that the clothes Kira wore, although new, were very common. Hokusai tried to point out that even though the clothes were clean the people beneath them clearly had not bathed for some time. How could anyone mistake Kira and her children as an enemy? Hokusai stood his ground demanding that the Centura set Kira and her family free. But the Lorkeeper stepped in and ordered Hokusai to step back and let the Centura proceed with Kira and her children. Since Hokusai has pledged to follow the orders of the Lorekeeper, he had no choice but to step aside and let the Centura pass. Hokusai is losing his patience with this Lorekeeper – this "Mission" had better be something really important that it would take precedence over protecting the innocent in times of war.

Hokusai had learned from the Centura that Ferad, the leader of the caravan, had led them to believe that Kira and her children were members of House Hilfor. Because of this, the party turned their rage back towards the caravan. After catching up with the caravan, Hokusai demanded an explanation. He did not like the one he got, "the Centura took them and you do not argue with the Centura". Hokusai had just done that and this caravan leader had greater control of his actions and should have been able to stand up to the Centura for what is right. Since Ferad is not like Hokusai, he is not hampered by following a Lorekeeper. And even if Hokusai understands why people are afraid to stand up to the Centura, even people like the Lorekeeper since his goals are better served by keeping friendly relationships with all manner of beliefs. Hokusai’s training and beliefs however demand that he stands up to tyranny is all it’s forms. It is not his way to watch a wrong being done as the Lorekeeper forced him to do.

Hokusai believes he should not have stood down. Hokusai truly believes it was just a matter of time for the Centura to realize their mistake. But if they did not and Hokusai had died, at least he would have done so trying to protect innocent children from being dragged though a warzone by a force that seems to care more about order than lives. And because of this Hokusai now had to stand there and let Fared question why Kira was not with Hokusai. If Hokusai had seen Kira with the Centura, why did he not stand up to them, why would Kira not be with him? Hokusai had no answer except that he failed in doing what he knew to be right.

So Hokusai’s spirit died a little today. And it is his tradition to make penance and suffer in the same way as the injustices placed on others. Kira was bound so Hokusai will take that on as his penance.

Hokusai hopes he learns more of the good mission he is to have with Aeloric, Magnus and the others. He hopes that a common goal will give the group the direction it needs. Magnus tells Hokusai to have faith, that Ilmater has a plan for them. But Hokusai is not a cleric and his devotion to his God is one of service, dedication and devotion. He wishes he also had Magnus’ faith, perhaps in time. As Magnus prays, Hokusai will meditate on how he can better himself through the service of "good".

Praise be to Ilmater.