Saturday, March 04, 2006

Session 5 Notes

Here I am back with the story that started the whole debate. I hope you all forgive the pains I put you all through trying to figure things out. I think I got it now - if you think I am way off about something let me know.

Hokusai’s Revised Session Notes

Hokusai sits by the camp fire – head hanging low. It has been a REALLY bad day and you can tell it has taken its toll. He borrows Astria’s long sword and cuts the straps off his bag. Ilk is then asked to bind Hokusai’s hands together. Hokusai has decided he must do penance for his failure to protect Kira and her family. Hokusai’s hands are bound in a way that will make it impossible to do his "flurry of blows" but he will be able to make a single attack without penalty. He is determined to wear these bonds till he learns that Kira and her family are free or till Magnus and he can agree that it is time to move on.

In the morning he will leave the remains of his bag on the ground when the party leaves their campsite. He will tell Ilk that there are 25 gold pieces in the bag if he desires them. Hokusai was saving it to spend on the poor but he has seen first hand what doing that does. There is nothing else of value in the bag.

Flashback… A few days ago, Hokusai went on a mission to help the poor who live under the docks in Sarvik. There he befriended Kira and her two small children. He purchased some food, 2 fishing nets, a skillet, and a blanket for them. He felt good that he was finally getting to do something nice for someone. The Lorekeeper, and whatever the groups mission is to be, has so far not allowed a chance to do any real good.

When Kira asked if her family could join Hokusai and his party on their trip to Oskerlin, Hokusai thought it was a wonderful idea. In Oskerlin, the Temple of Ilmater would be able to help Kira have a better life.

But then things started to go bad. On the way to Oskerlin, the caravan that the party joined was attacked by 12 ogres. While Hokusai’s party took on three ogres, and barely defeating them without losing a member (If Ilk hand not stepped in, one more blow from the ogre Hokusai was fighting would have left him in Ilmater’s kind embrace), the fighters of the rest of the caravan defeated the other nine in record time. This knowledge that the fighting force with the caravan defeated 9 ogres in half the time that the party killed three ogres would be an important part of a decision Hokusai would later make. (AND later Hokusai would stand while these same fighters readied to kill him.)

During the ogre battle the caravan’s fighters witnessed a spell cast by Jade and the party was asked to leave the caravan. Hokusai can understand the caravan’s concerns – most magic can clearly lead to evil. But, in the Monastery Hokusai had been taught a view of tolerance toward magic cast by the upper class. He knows in his heart that using magic is wrong and against the law for people like him, but there are those of high station in life that are allowed to draw on the power of magic. If Hokusai is to travel with so many of these gifted beings he is going to need to fight his fear of them and their skills and try to trust that they are all working together for the greater good. All three of the clerics have contributed to Hokusai’s survival through their magic that has cured his wounds, so trusting that their actions are good is not very difficult. After all could evil beings cast so many good spells so effortlessly.

Hokusai thought that Kira and her family would be safer, and more comfortable, if they stayed with the caravan. After all, clearly the caravan guards did better in the battle with the ogres then Hokusai and his party did. And he knows as common people they too must fear the magic they have seen today. And they must be having the same basic reaction that Hokusai is fighting – to get as far away from the spellcasters as possible because using magic can only lead to disaster. History has taught us that all too well.

You can imagine Hokusai’s surprise when a group of Centura rode by, going in the wrong direction, with Kira in shackles and her two children being treated like prisoners as well. And they were without the two horses and wagon that Hokusai had purchased for them, and left them in with the caravan. Later Ilk would confess that Hokusai should have known better to think that Kira would have been safe with the caravan. Fresh out of the monastery, Hokusai is still coming to grips with just how short from his expectations some of the "good" people in the world are. This includes his view of the Centura, who he has always respected for their dedication to duty. But recently all he has heard about the Centura are their abilities as a destructive force. The Centura’s tradition of using violence and intimidation as there primary method of problem solving, has always concerned Hokusai. He fears that the Centura may become bullies who think "might makes right" and not the "might to protect right" code that Hokusai expects them to follow.

Hokusai went down to confront the Centura – there must have been some terrible mistake and Hokusai needed to try to set it right. But the Lieutenant leading the Centura would not listen to reason. He had his instructions and did not have the wisdom to see that what he was doing was wrong.

Clearly he should have been able to see that the clothes Kira wore, although new, were very common. Hokusai tried to point out that even though the clothes were clean the people beneath them clearly had not bathed for some time. How could anyone mistake Kira and her children as an enemy? Hokusai stood his ground demanding that the Centura set Kira and her family free. But the Lorkeeper stepped in and ordered Hokusai to step back and let the Centura proceed with Kira and her children. Since Hokusai has pledged to follow the orders of the Lorekeeper, he had no choice but to step aside and let the Centura pass. Hokusai is losing his patience with this Lorekeeper – this "Mission" had better be something really important that it would take precedence over protecting the innocent in times of war.

Hokusai had learned from the Centura that Ferad, the leader of the caravan, had led them to believe that Kira and her children were members of House Hilfor. Because of this, the party turned their rage back towards the caravan. After catching up with the caravan, Hokusai demanded an explanation. He did not like the one he got, "the Centura took them and you do not argue with the Centura". Hokusai had just done that and this caravan leader had greater control of his actions and should have been able to stand up to the Centura for what is right. Since Ferad is not like Hokusai, he is not hampered by following a Lorekeeper. And even if Hokusai understands why people are afraid to stand up to the Centura, even people like the Lorekeeper since his goals are better served by keeping friendly relationships with all manner of beliefs. Hokusai’s training and beliefs however demand that he stands up to tyranny is all it’s forms. It is not his way to watch a wrong being done as the Lorekeeper forced him to do.

Hokusai believes he should not have stood down. Hokusai truly believes it was just a matter of time for the Centura to realize their mistake. But if they did not and Hokusai had died, at least he would have done so trying to protect innocent children from being dragged though a warzone by a force that seems to care more about order than lives. And because of this Hokusai now had to stand there and let Fared question why Kira was not with Hokusai. If Hokusai had seen Kira with the Centura, why did he not stand up to them, why would Kira not be with him? Hokusai had no answer except that he failed in doing what he knew to be right.

So Hokusai’s spirit died a little today. And it is his tradition to make penance and suffer in the same way as the injustices placed on others. Kira was bound so Hokusai will take that on as his penance.

Hokusai hopes he learns more of the good mission he is to have with Aeloric, Magnus and the others. He hopes that a common goal will give the group the direction it needs. Magnus tells Hokusai to have faith, that Ilmater has a plan for them. But Hokusai is not a cleric and his devotion to his God is one of service, dedication and devotion. He wishes he also had Magnus’ faith, perhaps in time. As Magnus prays, Hokusai will meditate on how he can better himself through the service of "good".

Praise be to Ilmater.

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